Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The December Holidays

During the holidays, I have spent a whole lot of free time alone as both my parents of my parents had gone for work early in the morning. In the days with no special events,I would be awake around 10am, have a light breakfast before beginning to check my game profiles. It will be another two hours of gaming before everything seemed dull and bored . Game console, computer games, television – none of it really interest me. I could not be bothered with my homework and just stared into the air.

My stomach started growling since it was three hours after I had breakfast .Even though my mom had gave me money to buy takeaways but I want to try to cook. I started recalling of the cooking in the Home Economics class and times when I assist my mom while she cooks. Fried Rice -that will be the first dish that I will be cooking alone . This is not as easy as I expected because I have to handle with knives and open flames. My first dish was finally finished and unexpectedly, it tasted awesome except that it is a bit tasteless.

In leisure time, I began to learn to cook more types of food like sandwiches and burgers. Through the process, there are many successes and failures but I kept trying. In my memory, there is once whereby I got real scared when I burnt the cookies I baked and cause a short circuit. Of course, there were accidents like getting cuts and more severely ,burns that might take weeks to recuperate.

Sometimes ,my parents were protective and advised me to stop after I have injured myself but I insisted on continuing. Soon the school reopened and I have no extra time for cooking. Overall I gain experience of the culinary skills , learnt to be independent and understood the meaning of Nil Sine Labore .

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happening in School

It was a gloomy Tuesday and the class went up the parade square. We skipped our five-minute reading time and sang the national anthem and began to dispersed. Mr Low, our principle, hurried onto the staged and settled us down. I did not thought it was a big deal and waited for him to end his speech.

In a serious tone , he opened his mouth and told us of a story a Chinese scholar. He was a normal Chinese boy who had traveled to Singapore to receive better education. He worked hard and received fairly good grades. Sadly, he was unfortunate and was diagnosed with a deadly disease .He had to travel back to his country,China,to get treated and recover from it. While he was hospitalized , his parents returned to Singapore to cancel his scholarship as well as handling administrative issues.

Despite his illness, he is still willing to continue his scholarship even if it means he have to retake secondary three again when he is already 2 years overage. Soon , the worst news arrived ,the doctors failed to resuscitated him from the disease and he past away peacefully. Through a telephone call,his parents gave away the money to the school to help poor people to be educated.

After the principle's talk, I began to reflect on his speech and I know there is a deeper purpose to it. Lastly,I have learned his preserverance for the need of education which inspire me to work harder.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family Outing

Although I have shared many weekends with my family, the things I did the week before was very meaningful and memorable. That day, we leave after having breakfast and I was enthusiastic for the upcoming trip to the Science Center. We reached the center an hour later and waited unpatiently to purchase the tickets. Finally, we received our tickets and as we entered, I grabbed a copy of the map. After a brief read, I understood the enormous size of the center and was mentally prepared not to be able to view all the experiments and exhibits.
    Even though there are many interesting exhibitions but there is three shows/exhibits whereby it affects and interest my most. For the first show,We were just in time to catch the “climate change” show which was narrated by a pessimistic sheep and explains how Global Warming affected them including floods,drought and a shortage of food. The shows allows you to get engage by using water droplets and flashes of light to resemble rain and lightning. Another advantage of the show is that there is 3D figures of the globe and the sheep  next to the screen . All in all,this show teaches me the effects and conseqences of Global warming.
    Next,as I proceeded on to the next level ,I entered the human body section. 3D model of the different types of joints ,new machines like blood pressure measurer and enlarged version of the different organs helps me to explore the limits and uses of the different organs. Lastly, I arrived at the newly introduced”Technology”department which is equally interesting .There is all types of new and upcoming gadgets ranging from a sensor game console to an computerized work organizer. There is also a specially allocated room give us  an overview of the new technology.
    It was the end to our journey and was time for us to leave despite the fact that I was reluctant to leave .We had dinner in a nearby food court before heading back home. It was a truly an eyeopening trip for me to understand the advancement of modern science and technology.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lost and Found

         "Beep...beep...''the alarm clock sounded as I woke up unwillingly. I wore on my school attire and grabbed an apple to eat on the way to school . I was almost late and had to rush to the classroom before the teacher arrives. As I strolled nearer to my classroom, a heated argument could be clearly heard . Just a step closer, I saw Jack and Joe arguing with each other at the top of their voice.

        "What are they quarreling about?'' I questioned one of the other classmate .''Jack exclaims that Joe had stolen his new handphone but Joe denied immediately ''he replied. Now I finally understand that best friends can be against each other just because of  a misunderstanding. As a monitor ,I am dutiful to clear the misunderstanding between the classmates and I am determined to find the phone. Jack was calm and emotionally stable so I asked him about the details of the incident just before our English teacher entered the class.

        "Cafeteria, fitness corner and school field .... where could it be?'' I pondered in my mind repeatedly .It was two full hours of lesson before the much anticipated recess bell finally rang. Although my stomach was churning, it did not shake my determination to track out the phone. I went rounds and rounds the school and almost all corners of the of the school but my hard work was in vain. Suddenly, I recalls of the only location left- the washrooms.

         As time flies minute by minute , there was five minutes left . The main door of the washroom cracked open as I entered and took a glance . Even if the spooky atmosphere sent a chill down my spine and the chance of finding the phone is as tiny as finding a pin in the ocean, I struggled on .Finally,miracle occurs in the last minute as I found a black, handphone-like object in the last cubicle. It is really Jack's lost phone ,the misunderstanding between them are cleared and for me,the feeling of  achievement is beyond description.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Have you have being caught in this situation whereby someone you may have injured forgives you unconditionally ? This is just what just happened to me last Friday and I could still recall the details of the incidents.

That day,most of us were troubled by the upcoming test. It has been weeks of preparations but I was still anxious about my terrible carelessness . I thought everyone had gone to the hall and ready to shut the door. Just as the door flashed past me ,I saw Jack's hand reaches towards the door. The door slam onto the wall and an painful shriek could be heard .I press onto the handle and slowly pull open the door. It was worst than expected as his thumb was squashed.

I was filled with grief and had to put it aside to try my best to aid him reduce his pain and assist him to the sickbay. Afterwards,assembly ended and the pupils swarmed into the classrooms and was alerted by the traces of blood. A number of curious faces surrounded and questioned me of the blood. I remained silent and the crowd finally dispersed when the science teacher arrived .I was constantly blaming myself for hurting Jack until he returned to the class with a bandage on his thumb.

I was finally relieved and elated that Jack is fine and my conscience felt better. I ordered for my noodle soup and carried to a nearly table. Out of the blue,i saw Jack and simultanueosly tripped on my shoelaces. I regained my balance but just in front of me ,it was Jack ,covered in blisters and and his left arm was red and swollen . It would be an excruciating pain for him but his bravery shook me .He did not even scream but just bear the pain. He was assist to the sickbay once again. For me , I was stupified by my mistakes and returned back class I ponder over again and again over the incident and decided to apologize to him after school. However,he once again surprise me by forgiving me unconditionally.

Overall ,i learned to forgive and forget fixes all of the problems .