Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lost and Found

         "Beep...beep...''the alarm clock sounded as I woke up unwillingly. I wore on my school attire and grabbed an apple to eat on the way to school . I was almost late and had to rush to the classroom before the teacher arrives. As I strolled nearer to my classroom, a heated argument could be clearly heard . Just a step closer, I saw Jack and Joe arguing with each other at the top of their voice.

        "What are they quarreling about?'' I questioned one of the other classmate .''Jack exclaims that Joe had stolen his new handphone but Joe denied immediately ''he replied. Now I finally understand that best friends can be against each other just because of  a misunderstanding. As a monitor ,I am dutiful to clear the misunderstanding between the classmates and I am determined to find the phone. Jack was calm and emotionally stable so I asked him about the details of the incident just before our English teacher entered the class.

        "Cafeteria, fitness corner and school field .... where could it be?'' I pondered in my mind repeatedly .It was two full hours of lesson before the much anticipated recess bell finally rang. Although my stomach was churning, it did not shake my determination to track out the phone. I went rounds and rounds the school and almost all corners of the of the school but my hard work was in vain. Suddenly, I recalls of the only location left- the washrooms.

         As time flies minute by minute , there was five minutes left . The main door of the washroom cracked open as I entered and took a glance . Even if the spooky atmosphere sent a chill down my spine and the chance of finding the phone is as tiny as finding a pin in the ocean, I struggled on .Finally,miracle occurs in the last minute as I found a black, handphone-like object in the last cubicle. It is really Jack's lost phone ,the misunderstanding between them are cleared and for me,the feeling of  achievement is beyond description.

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